Friday, November 4, 2011

RE: Remembrance Day - Is There Honor?

*WARNING* This Article May Offend You. I pray that it at least makes you ponder.

I received an email that well-stated the condition of my own belief system, as regards my nation, immigration, history, military honor, and my general sense of purpose as a Christian and also a Canadian. Our federal constitution was originally written with the declaration "one dominion under God". However, "Dominion Day" was renamed in 1982, to "Canada Day". While it's true that it's good to extol the name of the nation, and be proud of her, the nation was founded on CHRISTIAN/BIBLICAL principles and honor.

Those tangibles were written into our constitution to ensure that the fabric of our nation's society would continue to be governed and made safe by the eternal truths that founded this nation. The word of God was written on plaques and chiseled into walls of Parliament even. The Ten Commandments were placed in courts of justice and congressional halls. For 130 years Canadian citizens have declared in anthem: "God, keep our land, glorious and free". Jesus Christ said: "Whom the Son makes free, is free indeed." Without God, there is no real freedom.