About Charles Allen Ministries

Charles Allen was born again, and gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ, in the summer of 1982. It was on a Friday night, during a PAOC youth rally in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Brother Allen was subsequently taught about the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and was baptized in the Holy Ghost in the fall of 1985. Charles was water baptized when he was 19 years of age, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Brother Charles was called to the five-fold ministry office of Prophet in 1988. The Lord's personal commission to him was: "Teach and preach the infallibility of my word." "Teach my people about their authority over satan." In the spring of 2008, the Lord gave Charles a vision and added to that commission, telling him: "Everywhere you go, kindle flames of revival." That vision was given very shortly after Charles experienced divine healing from *IBS and *Diverticulitis.

This blog site is committed to upholding that mandate.

Brother Charles knows what it's like to have been a backslider. By the grace of God, he subsequently knows what it's like to be welcomed back home into the Kingdom of God. God's loving kindness endures forever! The Lord's compassion is brand new every morning! God's gifts and calling are irrevocable. As a "2nd chance" recipient of God's unmerited grace, Brother Allen has a deep incite into the backslidden condition and an understanding heart for a prodigal's despair.

Brother Allen speaks the word of God with boldness and has been a vessel through which the Holy Spirit has imparted deliverance and emotional/physical healing. He ministers in both word and music. Bona fide testimonies of physical and mental/emotional healing often follow his dynamic proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Brother Allen's heart beats with unction for true revival.  

Romans 12:6 tells us that "one who prophecies, let it be in proportion to his faith." Brother Allen's dynamic and insightful teaching style encourages believers to grow in faith, by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation makes the written word of God become a living reality - A reality where we experience God's redeeming grace, miracles, healing, and provision.

Brother Allen has ministered in many churches within greater Edmonton and other parts of Alberta, Canada. The ministry's vision is not only for the nation of Canada, but for all the nations of the world.

Charles Allen Ministries' encourages Christians to believe God for what seems to be impossible! We purpose to build believers up in love. We want all people, everywhere, to experience abundant life in Christ Jesus!

-- God richly bless you. Thank you for visiting Charles Allen Ministries' Blog.