Monday, February 6, 2012

How's That Working Out For You?

One morning, I was led by the Holy Spirit to post a strong evangelical plea on my facebook wall. It was not written to be eloquent nor a transcendental display of impressive penmanship. Instead, it is plaintive and 'straight-to-the point'.

This is what I posted:

I look at it this way - many people on facebook think it's perfectly alright to post so-called "adult" joke cartoons and make jokes about drunkenness, substance abuse, cussing, taking God's name in vain, and generally acting up as though God doesn’t exist, or doesn’t see. Question for those folks: "How's that workin' out for you? Do you feel any real peace in your life? Are you experiencing any 'real' love? Not the kind that makes your "forward" parts feel all tingly, but real, unconditional love. Are a few drinks and some tunes really worth gambling your eternal well-being for? Is working hard and cutting up on the weekend all there really is to life?

Have you ever really wondered why someone that you have known personally, who used to be a regular ol' sinner just like everybody else, would someday become a born-again Christian? Is it simply a lifestyle choice? Behavioral reconditioning? Brainwashing? What does it mean to actually meet Jesus (in your heart) and let His blood cleanse you of sin? What does it really mean to receive eternal life and eschew eternal damnation? What does it mean to let Him take an empty life, with only fleeting pleasures and "good times" (with associated hangovers, dry mouth, embarrassment, etc. .) and give you a real life full of hope, and forgiveness?

Is it really enough to just "try be a good person" without any real confidence that you're gonna pass the bar when you breathe your final breath? Are you absolutely sure that just so long as you haven't killed anyone, or robbed a bank, that everything's gonna be ok, when your judgement day arrives? Kinda scary to think about isn't it? Someday, we all have to meet Jesus. Whether you believe in Buda, Allah, or any other religious figure, be assured that Jesus Christ alone died on the cross and subsequently arose from the dead - for us. Now then, are you going to meet Him while you still live mortally, here in this life, or will you wait until you meet Him on the judgement day? Don't formulate some kind of "made up" religious belief based on your own human ideas of who God is. Open a bible to the Gospel according to John, and start reading. Want to know who Jesus really is? Read His word!

I luv ya all. I'm a part-time minister and I care about my friends, neighbours, and relatives. I pray for all of y'all on my contact list. If anyone of you, at any time, would like to message me privately to ask for prayer, feel free to do so. We all have to deal with sickness, loss, suffering, cancer in the family, marital breakups, unexpected family accidents. When we stare down at the casket being lowered into the ground, the drinks and sex-talk doesn't cut it then . . .

Jesus loves you. "God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten son." This is the good stuff – this is the truth that every person deserves to hear. Everyone needs to know that God loves them and wants to rescue them. You don't have to live with disconnected, empty heartedness. If you choose to reject what the bible says, be assured that you have the free will to do so. Nevertheless, how's that workin' out for ya?

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